Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hi sweet pea. I love you.

Now make more money please.
Momma Lion, go catch us an antelope
so your cubs won't go to bed hungry tomorrow.

Now is the window.
Now is when you have the 1st week
in January in place.

Close for editors mailing 12/23rd or 24th,
mailing snail mail to their entire client list
as a Christmas gift.

Please get 5 editors willing to mail to
their client list please... Try Ronda Del Boccio,
The Story Lady.

Plus, I want you to create gift certificates
for Churches to use. You give a Church 10
and you tell them that your company will give
the church $25 for each $50 Life Story Strategy
Session they get scheduled.

Its worth testing with a church. If it lands you
traffic, you do with a bunch of churches
and teach your staff of editors and downline
to do with their churhces...

You are in the tool making business now.

Thank you.


1 comment:

Ronda Del Boccio said...

Ben - thanks for mentioning me. You're always up to interesting things. I am glad to be of service if I can.
The Story Lady