This isn’t the first morning I’ve left home without enough money to get back. It is oddly paradoxical perhaps, that I’m about to get on a plane that has so much fuel when it leaves home, or takes off, that it couldn’t land if the pilot wanted to. When I was a lesser writer I would have ended the previous sentence with an exclamation point!
Planes fully fueled weigh about 200 tons.
I’ve been traveling far without a home, listening to Neal Diamond.
80,000 pounds of the 200 tons is fuel in the wings. If you touch down with that much weight in the wings and they snap off. The engineering of a wing is something like a bridge, its only designed to take pressure one-way. If you ever need to dismantle a bridge, you exert pressure from underneath.
Neal Diamond might not be everybody’s cup-of-coffee, but at 3:45 in the morning, sitting at a closed Boise airport its an energy of victory I find comforting.
It’s the little things in life that keep me going, that re-energize me just when I need it. The illusion of Objectification is largely what I see holding the current dominant paradigm in place.
You see, I have this Dream i’m chasing, and a miracle.
Have you read me talking about the importance of puppet shows? As an activist, I pour my heart into bringing more puppet shows to kids. As a marketer I see what Dr. Seuss was selling to the attention economy of six-year-olds. That’s the model I’m swiping.
My goal is to bring drinkable water to every human on this planet. The world will make a lot more sense to me when we start doing that. In the mean time I cry often. A psychologist I saw recently said that that was evidence of my being bi-polar. When I asked him what he thought of America giving 6x the psycho-pharmaceuticals to children then in Europe, he responded, “We’re so much more advanced than them.” I thanked him, I took the prescription for which I made the appointment. As I learn to resent this process less, my life gets easier. Personally, I don’t like having to share my most personal details with complete strangers every so often just so i can get the drugs i need to function. My country says my pursuit of happiness is a God given right, however, they have an oddly sadistic way of expressing the details.
My Dear Dream, I love you.
You understand my values and see the vision within my peculiar tactics. You get the value of a transformational mechanism that doesn’t even address the content it is helping to stear.
You are my Trimtab, the answer to my wandering bark. You are beautifully receptive to my ideas of an infra structure with fewer presuppositions. It is an extraordinary leap of faith that this course correction can expedite bringing drinkable water to every human on Spaceship Earth.
Thank you for the wake-up call. Yes, I’m waking up. I’m not there yet. I think waking up is a lifelong process and death is our awakening into a parallel experience that words will never articulate. It comforts me when you imagine being with your daughter. I never want to take that away from you.
The human head weighs 8-pounds. How was the gate? You making 2 sales today or you see yourself helping more people than that.
You have a big day ahead of you today sweetpea. Breathe beautiful. You are beautiful inside and out. I kiss you for real tonight. I can’t promise because I’m not on the plane yet. I need you to know I’m getting to you as quickly as I can. I know you know that. And, thank you for knowing that.
It's a big day today. I see you tonight, and while I'm in the air, 3 separate people are wiring me money they've owed me. At least 1 of the 3 will hit. Cash flow issues suck. Your kisses take the suckiness out of my spirit and your nibbles put me on tilt. Tough morning, not touching you in my mind, but perhaps I should be more discrete? You light my fire.
So I was doing this http://twitpic.com/kp2p puppet show http://TheStoryOfB.com .
i got 2 the end of my show http://twitpic.com/kp2p &a grandmother sd "That'd be a miracle!" & That boy says,"That'd B aMiracleIcanBelieveIn"
Thank you for inspiring Love. I love you, too. I love you.
Kissing you soon,
Howard W. Campbell